Support Volunteer Charter
Day Hospital : Doctor GARNIER (Head of Department)
Internal Medicine : Doctor TAILLAN
A visit by a volunteer is a non-professional activity based on a contract implied in fact between one individual who freely agrees to make some of his/her free time and listening skills available, and another individual demonstrating the need for support and company.
The support volunteers working for the Association “ECOUTE CANCER RECONFORT” agree:
- To be lenient and lucid and to have a good understanding of themselves.
- To work in cooperation with the team of doctors and nurses, accompanying relatives and the patient.
- To act with respect for the convictions and opinions of each individual, not to represent any religion.
- Not to intervene in medical, parmedical or administrative matters. Any such action is prohibited.
- To respect the confidentiality of information that may come their way concerning the establishment, staff and the individual him/herself. A support volunteer who gives out information pertaining to a patient or information overheard within the department shall be expelled from the team.
- To be tactful and never to ask personal questions.
- To leave the room as soon as a doctor or nurse arrives.
- To create a climate of trust and a restful environment, by adopting a calm and relaxed attitude and by remaining impartial.
- To let the patient express him/herself and not to monopolise the conversation.
- To know how to modulate the length of the visit so as not to tire the patient.
- To remain a volunteer and not create too many emotional ties.
- Should a patient not wish to continue the conversation, to know how to retreat quietly without feeling that the situation is a personal failure.
- Visits in pairs are compulsory.
- No judgements are to be made between volunteers.
- To take part in the various training sessions on a compulsory basis.
- To take part in the Association’s leisure events (afternoon snacks, lectures, outings, dinners).
- To have finished his/her treatment.
The action carried out by support volunteers at the hospital is collective charitable action organised by Ecoute Cancer Réconfort. The quality of such action is guaranteed by the following commitments:
- The Association signing the charter selects the volunteers it appoints
- The Association decides when visits begin
- It gives the volunteers the necessary understanding and provides continuous psychological training
- It monitors and supervises the teams
- It ensures regularity and continuity in all planned undertakings
« A patient has the right to protect his/her private life »
By making a donation, you will help the Association to provide a listening ear to patients and to purchase high-technology equipment in order to continue to improve their comfort.
Jeudi 17 mai 2018 : soirée Théâtre et Musique
Le jeudi 17 mai à 20h au Théâtre des variétés à Monaco, un spectacle est organisé par les comédiens et Big Band “Jazzissimo” au profit de notre association
Prix des places : 15,00€ pour les adultes
10,00€ pour les moins de 12 ans
Vous pouvez réserver vos places au : +377 6 80 86 04 33 ou sur place le soir même.
Become a volonteer
Volunteering is a commitment, a well-thought-out decision, a desire which matures deep within you, and which one day takes on a special meaning. (more…)
Annual fee
The Association’s activities are many - to listen and to help cancer patients and their families in particular. We need dedicated members and volunteers to provide them with all the comfort necessary.
A healing weekend in Saint Dalmas de Tende
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