Art therapy with Sandra

Sandra’s key role is to listen to individuals who come to her for counselling, providing them the opportunity to be heard so that they shift from the position of cancer victim, with all the challenges and anxiety that implies, to the position of protagonist of their own future.

As a Clinical Psychologist, the therapy protocol will depend on the patient’s requirements and his/her state of health. In support therapy, counselling is designed to offer psychological support to the patient, so that he/she is able to use this space for dialogue to talk openly about what is affecting him/her. It is about providing relief and strengthening the strong points of the individual concerned in his/her real, imaginary, and symbolic body. Support therapy can sometimes be replaced by analytical therapy when the individual is motivated by the desire to understand, to change and to prevent disease, by taking care of him/herself. An unveiling takes place, not without difficulty, but with courage and determination. Finally, as a qualified artistic mediation therapist, patients are also offered the opportunity to take part in therapeutic art workshops, using drawing, writing and film as media. This gives patients the chance to meet and talk to each other around these activities, in the presence of a psychologist attune to the effects that words can have on each individual, with the aim of establishing a bond, a shared understanding and escaping the feeling of loneliness whilst maintaining the individuality of everyone.



By making a donation, you will help the Association to provide a listening ear to patients and to purchase high-technology equipment in order to continue to improve their comfort.


6ème Monaco Age Oncologie

Monaco oncologiesmall

Le jeudi 09 et vendredi 10 mars 2017, se tiendra le 6ème Monaco Age Oncologie, qui se déroulera au Sea Club de l’hôtel le Méridien Beach Plaza.

Ce rendez-vous  francophone majeur en oncogériatrie, permet de réunir tous les deux ans les nombreux acteurs traitant le cancer chez le sujet âgé.

Cette année les thématiques étudiées porteront sur :

  • La biologie du cancer et du vieillissement
  • Les cancers d’organe
  • L’innovation en immunothérapie
  • Balducci : pour ou contre
  • Les référentiels de bon usage en onco-pharmacologie 

Ce congrès permet des échanges entre les professionnels de santé présents afin de faire progresser la recherche contre le cancer et de favoriser l’évolution de traitements adaptés aux personnes âgées.

Cette année également, pour la deuxième fois consécutive, afin de rendre hommage à son président et fondateur, nous avons souhaité perpétuer le prix Michel Hery, qui sera décerné à de jeunes chercheurs  consacrant  leur temps à la découverte de nouveaux travaux sur le sujet.


Become a volonteer

Volunteering is a commitment, a well-thought-out decision, a desire which matures deep within you, and which one day takes on a special meaning. (more…)

Join team

Annual fee

The Association’s activities are many - to listen and to help cancer patients and their families in particular. We need dedicated members and volunteers to provide them with all the comfort necessary.


How to join


A healing weekend in Saint Dalmas de Tende

22 June 2022

A healing weekend took place from June 17th to June19th in Saint Dalmas de Tende on Self-esteem and Self-welcoming. Through out sensorial movements and therapy dance of the 5 elements, Fabienne LEDUC made our body travel to bring awareness and wellbeing. These postures anchored in the present and self-presence resulted by joy and acceptance of ourselves, the faces lid up, the bodies let go and were relaxed. Participants regained their freedom, movement, and their creativity. A breath of fresh air in the everyday life allowed them to express themselves, exchange, motivate and link together.  

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Mars bleu 2022

3 March 2022

Mars Bleu 2022 est le mois du dépistage du cancer colorectal, le 3e cancer le plus fréquent et le 2e cancer le plus meurtrier en France, selon les chiffres de l'Institut National du Cancer. Chaque année, près de 45 000 hommes et femmes sont concernés et près de 18 000 personnes en décèdent. Les plus de 50 ans sont les plus touchés. Au cours de sa vie, 1 personne sur 30 y sera confrontée. Détecté tôt, il peut être guéri dans 90% des cas. En savoir plus

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Atelier maquillage 2022

22 February 2022

Hier lundi 21 février 2022, un atelier maquillage a eu lieu à l'Espace Mieux-Etre. Cet atelier de maquillage offert par Élodie de Precious Home Monaco qui prodigue de nombreux conseils aux patientes permet de retrouver son image et de reprendre goût à s'occuper de soi. Un regard illuminé, une belle image de soi redonnent moral et bonne humeur.    

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